We often see censorship in many aspects of our daily lives. There is censorship in movies, censorship in speech and publications, even censorship in schools. Is censorship actually necessary? Can we do without it?
Basically, censorship is actually an integral aspect of a policy to maintain harmony among people of different people. What is deemed acceptable to one group of people might seem derogatory or blasphemous to another. Simply saying, "one man's meat is another man's poison". In the most recent case involving a clash of civilizations between the West and the Islamic world, we can imagine the positive implications if the Jyllands-Posten itself had chosen to censor the caricatures of Prophet Muhammad at its own discretion. Such an uproar wouldn't have been induced and many innocent people wouldn't have died in the unrest that ensued in many Islamic countries. Such a conflict actually reveals the lack of sensitivity in the West towards Islamic countries and is a valuable lesson learnt for many and it actually showcases the need for censorship in this case. In my opinion, as religion is central to these people, we should try to balance absolute freedom of speech with censorship as a show of respect and understanding. In Singapore, theatre and even blogs are censored, so as to prevent offending any particular group and to maintain harmony. Vadi PVSS's 2004 play, Shanmugam-The Keling Kia Trilogy, was changed to Shanmugam;The Kalinga Trilogy as the phrase "keling kia" is a Hokkien derogatory phrase after some members of the Indian community took issue with it. People are still not mature enough to see beyond the literal meaning of words and comments, as such, a certain extent of censorship is necessary to prevent disharmony as people are easily incensed by discriminatory comments eg. racial comments in blogs. 2 bloggers were charged under the Sedition Act for writing such comments. Censorship must be coupled with education so as to influence the thinking of people in a positive manner. Implementing censorship on its own will only create underlying tensions. Censorship in Singapore might be too stringent, some might say, but until people are able to accept jokes about themselves in a good way, unbridled freedom of speech might result in the proliferation of hate speech with disrupts harmony.
Censorship exists so as to protect people from being exposed to vices. Such censorship is especially pertinent to children. Parents hope that their children are not imbued with wrong values from young, as such, there is much censorship in television programmes and movies that youths and children are in contact with. These years are the crucial formative years of their mindsets, as such, it is important that they learn the correct values. If movies and television programmes were not censored, our young people would be constantly plagued by images of violence and nudity, these being censored currently, what kinds of values and ideas would they form? It can be argued that the majority of the people are able to think rationally, but we should take into consideration the fact that a few black sheep can topple the peace and harmony in society. An example would be the gun shooting in Columbine High School in America. Constant exposure to violence and the easy availability of guns both contributed to this tragic incident. Social stability is crucial to every society and it is imperative to maintain it. Moreover, the young children of today are the leaders of the country tomorrow, if they do not have correct values, how can we expect them to lead the country to success in future?
Finally, i think that censorship is necessary to prevent unscrupulous people from indoctrinating people with hate speech aimed at disrupting the harmony in society just so that they can achieve their own selfish agenda. Terrorists use the Internet to publicize their cause. If there is no attempt to censor this, they can easily garner a large base of supporters to carry out killing missions. Many innocent lives will be lost.
However, where do we draw the line between restraint and running away from diffcult realities? Self-censorship might lead to a growing opacity between the different communities in a society. As such, we should constantly take note of trends and modify the standards of censorship to suit current situations. Discussions involving contradicting views won't disrupt harmony if the form of speech is carefully regulated and people are able to take criticism in their stride. Singapore organises many meetings between religious groups so as to facilitate understanding. Saying everything out might help to breed understanding but we must be careful that what we articulate is based on facts and not personal prejudices.
Ultimately, we aim to remove censorship completely when society is mature enough to think rationally. But until then, censorship is the best form of protection against disharmony and misunderstanding.
"Let's talk about racial differences" 24/2/06
"European Media vs Muslim World" 3/2/06
"Blogging: Whose business is it anyway?" 30/4/06
I agree that censorship serves the role of maintaining harmony and protecting people form vices. Censorship ensures that enough sensitivity has been paid to different groups of people and that people will not use, for example, media as a tool to spread their extremist or prejudiced views so as to gain support. Censorship of movies, television programmes or even video games is also necessary to protect young minds from being eroded by negative values. Studies have shown that South Korean youths who are addicted to violent video gaming also show aggressive and violent behavior. This may make them more prone to violence-related crimes. Therefore, censorship is necessary to maintain social order and stability as well.
I also agree that maturity of a society goes hand in hand with censorship. How much a society should be exposed to depends on whether they can take it without the negative implications. Ironically, a society with high literacy rate where most citizens are educated may not be a mature society in their thinking. I feel that besides an effective education, the culture of a country also affects maturity of thoughts. The circumstances of the environment where one grows up and the values inculcated may have greater impact on the beliefs and thoughts.
It is mentioned that “we aim to remove censorship completely when society is mature enough to think rationally”. I think that total abolishment of censorship is unsuitable in any society. Even a “mature” society consists of a range of people with different level of ages and maturity. Could we really assume that all could take the effects of removal of censorship well? What about young children? Would they be unaffected by the media?
Censorship is not without flaw. Some governments such as China may use censorship to restrict and limit what the citizens are exposed to, especially in politics, so as to influence and control what the citizens are thinking. Even Google sifts out some information in their local searches. Japan’s censored textbook coverage on World War II also affects what the youngsters think about Japan’s role in the war. In this case, censorship forces people to access only what the authorities want them to know. Hence, censorship may not bring positive effects in all cases.
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