Saturday, April 29, 2006

Comprehensive and explores many different aspects.

I would like to raise some points. Sometimes, science and technology might have also negative tradeoffs, and this is especially true in the case of the environment. Although, science and technology can be used to invent technologies to combat such problems, the pace of research is simply too slow to bring about any significant improvement to the environment while at the same time, Man is utilizing technology(bulldozers, felling machines) to inflict harm on the environment at alarming rates.Forests the size of a football field are being cut down almost every minute, how fast can science and technology reinvent itself to save the environment from further devastation? Moreover, countries at the moment do not really have their priorities in such areas. Some large countries that are major environment polluters have even effected budget cuts to reduce overall environmental funding by 13 percent, so as to fund their other priorities. In cases like these, if in the first place there was no such technology, there would be no such means to destroy the environment and governments would not have to face the dilemma of deciding to spend more on less tangible issues like the environment and more pertinent issues like the economy.
It is true that science and technology has brought us much medical benefits but there also has to be stringent regulations to ensure that researchers do not breach ethics.
All in all, i agree with you that science and technology has indeed brought about more good than bad.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Discuss the causes of global warming,its consequences, the solutions and the problems that hinder the solutions attempted.

A biodiversity crisis, Hurricane Katrina's wake of destruction, China's severe floods, and many more climatic disasters foreshadow a serious global environmental crisis. Many environmental studies worldwide produce incriminating evidence that global warming is the main culprit behind these "mischief". Global warming is the heating up of the Earth that is caused by increased emission of heat trapping gases like carbon dioxide. The rising of global temperatures has dire repercussions for many, among them a stream of devastating natural disasters. Rising sea levels and melting ice caps threaten the very existence of low-lying countries. Many environmental activists and governments worldwide are increasingly concerned about the severity of the situation and have undertaken a few measures to combat global warming. The Kyoto Protocol is one of the most high profile initiatives mooted by the United Nations. There are also many informal conferences that have non-binding treaties to allow for flexibility.

Over the past few centuries, because of the Industrial Revolution, the way things work has changed tremendously. Great leaps in technology have brought with it the increased consumption of fossil fuels in factory production that drastically increase the amount of heat trapping gases in the atmosphere. Also, rising affluence in the world has seen the rapidly burgeoning rich and middle classes owning a large number of cars. The amount of carbon dioxide and other gases emitted from vehicle and factory exhaust are significant enough to exacerbate global warming. To aggravate the problem, Earth's very own carbon sinks-the trees are being depleted at an alarming rate. Forests the size of hundred football fields are being levelled daily. There is increasing production of carbon dioxide and a decreasing number of trees to remove the carbon dioxide produced. As a result, the Earth has been warming up considerably.

Melting Arctic and Greenland ice caps increase sea levels tremendously.
Rising sea levels, threatening low-lying countries like Singapore's existence.
The tiny pacific island nation of Tuvalu looks set to become a victim of global warming, with the entire country predicted to be washed away in 50 years
Global warming increase the spreading of pathogens
Many natural disasters claim many lives and cause significant property damage

Kyoto Protocol-sets legally binding targets for developd countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming by 2012. More than 140 countries have signed it.
Problem to solution: World's largest emitter of carbon dioxide, America, has refused to ratify the protocol, saying that such moves will impact the US economy negatively. Kyoto Protocol won't achieve much effect.
The Protocol only requires developed economies to sign it. As such, even if current environmental targets are applied, gas emissions will still grow by almost 50% during the next 2 decades. China is 2nd only the the US in its polluting activities and has to be included for the protocol to achieve its desired effect.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Protectionism-fear of the West towards the East

"living in fear cripples nations"-22/3/06
"New globalisation debate threatens Asia"-12/4/06

With the rise of China and India, Asia on the whole is gaining an increasing share of world markets and trade. Many countries in the West are starting to feel that their supremacy and dominion in the world is being threatened and have started taking pre-emptive measures, particularly protectionism. Protectionism stifles growth and goes against the principle of fair competition and affects economic growth in especially Asia which has many poor nations that depend on revenue from exports. Countries implement such measures due to a rampant fear of losing jobs, brainpower and national security. Outsourcing and cross-border mergers are facing more resistance and opposition now than ever. Such measures might eventually stifle the rise of Asia and eventually, the development of the world economy and it will not bring about benefits for anybody.

Increasingly, there is a debate raging on about the benefits and wisdom of cross-border mergers and acquisitions versus the imperative of economic globalisation relentlessly pushing such restructuring in the name of productivity and cost-cutting. The Western states have started to feel pressure from Asia and have resorted to certain measures. For example, the China National Offshore Oil Corp(CNOOC) was not allowed to buy the oil company United and the purchase of US container ports by a Dubai-based organisation was busted. In my opinion, these stem from a fear of being overtaken and the increasing doubt that globalisation does not necessarily bring about benefits for everyone.However, these various moves augur bad for Asia which might find its way into the big league of multinationals blocked with obstacles. If Asia wants to continue growing rapidly so that the lives of millions can be improved, there is an urgent need to allay such fears of the West.

Also, protectionism will ultimately cause the decrease in global relations. Globalisation was intended to close the gap between nations, and even individuals all around the world. However, with increasing globalisation, there are increasing worries that the growth would only be concentrated in Asia and that the West would be increasing obsolete when they can't keep up with Asia's breakneck pace of growth. This augurs bad as a parallel can be drawn to a similar situation before World Wars I and II. There was a decrease in global relations thenwhen there was propensity to use economics as a tool of power politics, like when US tried to limit Japanese expansion in Asia by limiting Japan's energy imports. Increasing nervousness can only create more suspicion between countries and the worst possible scenario that could be happen is a war. The fear of being overtaken, the fear of national security being compromised by some Asian nation could very well create a cataclysmic mix. However, such scenarios might not happen if we take appropriate measures to allay such fears and suspicion. European nations and the US on their part could encourage more free trade without trade barriers and put more faith in cross-border acquisitions. Of course, with regard to deals that might affect national security as in the case of French telecommunications giant, Alcatel's bid fo Lucent, a US company that takes charge of intelligence-related issues, caution has to be exercised. In this case, even acquisition by a fellow Western counterpart faced opposition. Asian countries on their part, could help to improve confidence by being more transparent about their economies and also to have better human rights records.

Ultimately, we hope that globalisation can indeed deliver its promised returns.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Science and Technology

Do you think science and technology has done more good than Bad? Consider all the aspects, from the inpact on daily life, on medical science(our health), on the environment, on ethics, on human nature, on the physical, mental and social and spiritual development of a human being.

sci n tech (as growth engine for farming),(env-come up wif clean tech to combat global env prob),(save lives through discovery of drugs-medical) BAD-allowed elderly woman to give birth n compromise rights of baby

In the wake of the South Korean stem cell debacle, the issue of whether science and technology has brought us more harm than good becomes more pertinent than ever. Such an incident might have marred the image of the scientific community and caused the morals of science to be undermined. However, this should not discount the innumerous benefits that science has brought. It is in my opinion that science has brought more good than harm in terms of helping to improve lives of farmers, to come up with green technology to combat global environmental problems, to save innumerable lives through the breakthrough discoveries of medicinal drugs as compared to the "misuse" of it to allow elder women to give birth.

Firstly, science and technology has empowered farmers in remote regions with advanced farming knowledge that would greatly increase their yields to improve their standards of living. In India, ITC has established 5500 "e-choupal" kiosks that allows farmers access to local weather conditions, soil-testing techniques and other expert knowledge that helps increase productivity through the use of the Internet. Moreover, farmers can even get the best price for their products as well as buy necessities at reasonable prices. In this aspect, science and technology has brought great benefits to the farmers of India because now they can grow better crops and sell their produce at better prices to improve their lives. Also, their markets are also greatly enlarged and they can bypass the middleman to earn more profits. Buying and selling is much easier now. Science and technology acts as an effective weapon against poverty as even poor farmers who had little knowledge of the farming techniques are able to utilise the Internet to improve their lives.

Secondly, science and technology facilitates the development of clean, green technology to combat climate change that will lead to drastic events in the world that will seek to threaten the very existence of mankind. Global climate change is a serious problem that may lead to the rising of sea levels that will sink numerous low-lying countries around the world. Rising temperatures will kill off many species of organisms globally. In order to prevent all these doomsday scenarios, we have to address the situation promptly. The Kyoto Protocol has been in place for many years to make countries reduce their carbon dioxide emissions but so far, many countries have failed to meet their required targets. Moreover, the United States(US), the largest emitter of carbon dioxide, has refused to ratify the protocol as it is not financially viable. There is little the protocol can actually do. As such, science and technology is necessary to invent new technologies that will help to mitigate the global climate problem. For example, more hydrogen fuel cars will help to reduce exhaust gas emissions from motor cars, more renewable energy sources like hydroelectric power can be used to replace conventional sources from fuels. All these will serve to reduce the strain on the environment and Earth's resources and benefit the world as a whole, showing that science and technology indeed brings about advantages to the vast majority of mankind.

Thirdly, science and technology has aided in the discovery of many medicinal drugs that have cured innumerous diseases that were once thought to be incurable. The discovery of penicillin has helped to treat many debilitating diseases, among them syphilis, and saved the lives of many. In this aspect, it is unrefutable that science and technology has brought many benefits to mankind. However, with the increasing focus on genetic forms of treatment nowadays, there have been serious concerns raised about the treatment of lab subjects and whether we are compromising the lives of embryos to do experiments just to save the majority of mankind. These are valid concerns, but they cannot discount the fact that science and technology has indeed saved many lives and will continue to do so in future, if and only if, the pace of research is not stifled. Of course, it is necessary that research occurs within stated ethical guidelines and does not endanger any lives in the process.

However, there could be misuse of science and technology which would bring harm to man. Such harm might not only be physical harm, as in the creation of weapons of destruction to kill people in wars, but also undermining of some ethical issues in society as well. In a recent case, Romanian professor Adriana Iliescu, who is 66 years old, gave birth to a baby, aided by the advanced technology of in-vitro fertilisation. Critics have protested against this as they say that this should not be the case as the child will have no one to protect her when the woman grows old. Science and technology has brought disadvantages because it allows such things to happen. The general consensus among critics would be that elder women should not be allowed to give birth as this is not normal. In my opinion, even though science and technology has allowed such things to happen, it is not the fault of the technology itself but how people has utilised it, as in the case of doctors and terrorists likewise. In this case of the Romanian professor, she is confident enough to care for her child appropriately so there is actually no harm in fulfilling her wish to have a baby through the use of technology.

In conclusion, science and technology has indeed brought about many benefits to mankind, in the aspects of farming, medicine and environment. Even though sometimes it is misused, the many feats that it has accomplished for mankind cannot be discounted in the light of these few errant situations. It is not too optimistic to expect that science and technology will continue to benefit mankind in the many years to come.

(ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: talk about one aspect every paragraph and then compare the good and bad parts of each aspect, eg. in farming, pesticides polluting environment vs its effects on increasing yield.)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Religious Freedom

"At odds with modernity, and hindrance to growth" 30/3
"Afghan clerics demand death for convert" 25/3

The recent furore in Afghanistan over the release of Abdul Rahman, a Christian convert highlights the issue of religious freedom. In Islamic law, or syariah, converts are deemed to be apostates. In Afghanistan, this is a sin punishable by death. The constitution was rewritten in 2004, but the presence of such a law, seriously makes one doubt the credibility of the constitution because it infringes upon an inalienable human right, that is freedom of religion and thought etc. But let's not divert and discuss the problems with Afghanistan's new constitution here...

My point is that there is a fundamental difference in thinking between the West and the Islamic world. One difference that is most significant would be the value for tolerance. The very fact that Afghans are baying for Abdul Rahman's blood gives me the impression that they do not tolerate anything that breaches syariah. There can be no exceptions. In my opinions, apostates do not necessarily warrant death and also i think that the a person's rights to religious freedom outweighs the right to execute religious laws accordingly. This is because religion is supposed to cultivate the individual and impart correct values, and not to persecute and to annihilate. There could be some tolerance and flexibility on the side of the religion in this case.

What the West thinks might not be always applicable to Middle East countries, but there are some values that are universal. I think that protection of the rights of individual should be a top priority in every country regardless of their predominant religious practice or rules. In my opinoin, religions are espoused by their believers and flexible to changes and not a strict adherence or unquestioning obedience to laws in the religion itself.