Ministerial Pay Rise
Ok, here's the hottest news in town now.. This is strictly my own views.
my take on it is that it is hard to stomach for the ordinary man on the street and thus the uproar over such a measure
Let's examine the 'Against' arguments.
In brief,
1) Pay rise comes on the eve of the GST Hike
2) Ministers' pay is already very high
3) Unsuitable formula to calculate the pay
4) Irrelevance of bonus measures like the GDP
5) Public service should entail a sense of contribution to the country
1) Fear loss of talent to private sector
[After comparing the pay of ministers with the top 8 earners in the private sector, it is found that their pay falls short. However, such a benchmark is not very accurate and relevant. A country and a profit-making organisation is different. When the company makes losses, the CEOs likewise have to take some of the blow also. We commonly hear of pay rises and bonuses when the economy is good, but there is seldom any action taken when the economy is bad. Perhaps some concrete action about the pay might be taken when the economy is not faring that well. As in, instead of pegging the GDP to the bonus awarded, I think a more acceptable way would be to peg the pay rise to the GDP which most accurately reflects the state of the economy.]
2) Need a group of capable ministers to govern the country with a large economy
[Instead of comparing to our private sector, maybe the government could compare the pay to the pay of other people in similar posts in other countries]